Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Breaking News: Bill Gates Resigns

Breaking news........... From Congress ............

Bill Gates has resigned as the 'Chairman of Microsoft' after receiving a letter from Joseph Chinotimba. 

It read

Dear Sir,
I have some questions to ask.
Numba won) The keyboard
alphabets are not in order, when will you launch the correct version?

Numba too) There is a 'Start' button but no 'Stop' button, where is it?

Numba thiri) I have already learned Microsoft Word, when will you launch Microsoft Sentence?

Numba for) There is a recycle bin but... There is noone who comes to collect the bin.

And finally eh personal question: Why is your name Gates when you sell Windows

Source "Unknown" 

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Toyota Mirai - hapana chekumirira apa

Nhasi ndati regai ndimboedza kuita ongororo yengoro yemoto ichangoburwa nekambani yeToyota.
Zvinonzi chitsva chiri murutosoka, asi rutsoka uwru rwunoda vane homwe dzakasimba.

Muchovha uyu uri kudaidzwa nezita rekuti Mirai, ungangova iwo muchovha uchakonzera masaisai mubhizimisi rezvekugadzirwa kwedzimotokari.

Mutungamiri we Toyota, VaAkio Toyoda vanoti, "Motokari iyi inotendera kuti uve nezvose pasina kudimbudzira kana kujoinidza...

Mirai zvinoreva, "ramangwana" neChiJapanizi, ichabatsira mukuchengedzaa hutsanana hwemuchadenga uye kuti pasi rose rive nemamiriro akafanana neruvara rwemashizha (green).

VaToyoda vanoenderera mberi vachiti, "Nhasi tasvika pachikamu chekukomuka (turning point) mubhizimusi rekugadzirwa kwedzimotokari apo vanhu vachagamuchira mota itvsa, inehushamwari nenharaunda uye inonakidza kuchaira. Chikamu chekukomuka chinoita kuti mota dzine mipaka mitatu (sedan) dzikwanise kufamba makiromika mazana mashanu patengi rimwechete rehaidirogeni (hydrogen). Mirai inokwanisa kuzadziswazve nemafuta munguva isingpfuuri maminetsi mashanu uye ichingoburitsa chiutsi chemvura chete.

Sezvandamboreva, Mirai inoda vane homwe dzakasimba. Painopinda pamusika kekutanga ichange ichidaidzira zviuru makumi mashanu nenomwe nemazana mashanu (USD57 500). Chigutswa chikuru pakutenga Mirai ndechekuwana pekuzoinwisa mafuta emhando yehaidirojeni kunyanya munyika dzemuAfurika munotora nguva kuvaka kwezvinhu.

Chimwe chinhu chinofadza panaMirai ndechekuti mafuta ayo anogona kugadzirwa nezvinhu zvakasiyana siyana kunyangwe marara chaiwo! Izvi zvichaita kuti nekufamba kwenguva vafambi vemota vakwanise kushandisa mafuta mashoma anokonzera kusvibiswa kwemhepo nenharaunda dzedu.
Mirai inodakadzazve nekuti kachikamu kanoshandura mafuta kuti ave magetsi kari mairi (fuel cell), kanounga magetsi anokwanisa kushandiswa nemba yese kwesvondo rese.
 Kune vanofarira havo zvekufara, chimbotsvagai nyambo dzinokodza moyo nekuti zita remota iyi....mmmmmm....Mirai....hameno? 
Ndirikungoona vanamai vachibvunza kuti "ko makatenga mota rudziioko?" iwe wopindura uchiti, "Mirai amai" amai vongoramba vakakutarisa kusvika vazobvunzavwe "ko tirikumirireiko tati wakatenga mota mhandoi?" 

Ko ikapera iyo haidirojeni muri kuUzumba munozokwanisa here kuenda nechigubhu kunotenga imwe? Isu zvedu vekuZimbabwe, tikaitenga tingasazotadza here kutoshandisa iko kachikamu kanoshandura mafuta kuita magetsi (fuel cell) aka mudzimba dzedu tikapedza mutauro neZESA?

Zvimwe zvese padivi, Mirai inovimbisa kuve motokari ichashandura mutambo wekugadzira motokori sekuziva kwatinouita. Chasara kuona kuti veToyota vangakwanise here kugadzira Mirai anotengeka neveruzhinji.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Tendai Mwari Nhasi Chishanu (TMNC)

Tendai Mwari nhasi Chishanu vadiwa.
Mucharangarira here kambo kaya Ka"Joni Kiregi" (Johnny Clegg) neJuruka (Juluka) kainzi "Woza Friday"
Muchaziva here kachiridzwa pachirongwa "Kanda papfudzi tinange muzinda"?
Aive mazuva egundamusaira munyika yeZimbabwe. Teni dhora tsuku iya ichashatenga girosa resvondo rese.
Vanotambira neChishanu ndipo pavaipatsanura makumi mairi akatakura nzou, iri tiwendi dhora iyo.

Waizomboda here vemasese vodzedzereka vakatakura zvingoto. Maticha vachatambira mari yekutenga hutsvuku nekupemwa musoro. Vanodziya musoro vodhakiwa nechatewu (Chateau).

Ndipo paya pwere dzotenga magoromonzi (apricots) kana kuti mazadzadama (jawbreaker), maniga (cannon balls), neaizikirimu yemurume wedheribhodi.

Vanamai masipunu ochorwa zvino nekukanga huku, maitoziva kuti kamwe kanyama kachasara ndekababa kekubvisa bhabharasi Mugovera makuseni. 

Nhau dzaizoverengwa naAlice Mutema dzechiNdevere dzoitwa naSithokozile Mpala, dzichibva kuVoice of Zimbabwe dzichitaura nezveMutungaimiri Wenyika, Mukuru wemakurukota,  Comrade Robert Gabriel Mugabe. 

Ndasuwa mazuva aya asi ngatitendei Mwari kuti nhasi Chishanu nekambo aka:

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Iye Osika uyu

Nganga ndigere hangu ndakateya nzeve kuna Mutongi Masipa. Ndaedza kuongorora mamwe mazwi erurimi rwechiRatini neechiRungu aisevenzeswa munhunha yaOsika Pisitoriasi kuti ndiaturire nechiShona asi ndatadza.
Zvandipa kuti ndibvunze vanamazvikokota mururimi rwechiShona kuti vandibatsirewo.

Cricket Bat = Tsvimbo yekiriketi
Paralympian = Akamboenda kumaOlympics asina kunyatsokwana (apa tarisai muduramazwi kuti para zvinorevei mondibatsirawo)
Premeditated murder = umhondi hwakazeyiwa/hwakarongwa
Culpable homicide = umhondi hwetsaona
Closing Evidence = Umboo hwekuvhara
Defense = Huvhiki
Prosecutor = murovereri
Zombie stopper = chimiso chezvipoko
Assessor = muongorori
Verdict = mutongo
Reflex action = kuita kunokonzerwa zvirikuitika
Startle action = kuita kwekuvhundukira
Stumps = zvigutswa
Blood curdling = kusapura ropa
Dolus eventualis = maune maererano nemutemo
Glock 27 40 calibre pistol = Chivhorovhoro chemhando ye Glock makumi mairi nenomwe makumi mana
Negligence = uyanga

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Huchenjeri huri mumatongo

Mundangariro dzangu, mazwi aVaShumba anoungira. Ndinonzwa izwi ravo vachidakadza kutaura nezveUzumba kwavakabva. Kukura kwedu taingoshanya kumatongo nenguva dziri kure. Musha wavakasosiya vachiri ndumurwa wakange rangova dongo, chimumvurimvuri chemakarekare. Tichiona kamba kematanda kakange kamire koga semuraswa, mupfungwa dzedu nzwisiso yehukoshi hwekurangarira matongo yakange isati yadzika midzi.
“Kumatongo kunoda kugaroendwa.” VaShumba vaidaro. “Ndiko kuti muskanganwe kwamakabva, uye kuti munyatsoona kwamuri kuenda.”
Ndigere hangu murunyararo rwekamuri yangu yekurara, ndangariro dzondisvitsa pamazuva akare VaShumba vachiraira. Hazvinei kuti kumatongo kwako kwakamira sei, asi usakanganwe kwawakabva, kwakabva madzibaba nemadzimai edu. Ndichirangarirazve kamba kematanda kari Uzumba, ndinotenda Mwari nepavatisvitsa. Ndorangarirazve kuti Musikavanhu anosimudza marombe kubva muguruva. VaShumba, ndumure yakadzidza kukunda hunherera, ikava chikomana chakadzidza hupenyu nguva yekuva pwere isati yakwana, asi topembera notkuti chaitemura chave kuseva. Chaitemura chakatidzidzisa kusapfachura dura. Chaitemura chakatidzidzisa hurombo huroyi. Nekuziva kwatakabva, torwa hondo nenhamo, tisadzokerezve mugurva, tisadzokerezve mukuve chiseko.

Nyika yeZimbabwe,  matongo edu akatekeshera nyika yose. Mamwe marinda evakatirwira hondo yerusununguko, mamwe mahofisi azere nenhoroondo yenyika. Mamwe matongo amire Masvingo, munyika yevaRozvi kusvika parere vanaMutapa naMzilikazi. Tisakanganwe zvidzidzo zviri mumatongo aya. Zvinopatsanura kuti tidzidze kubatana, zvinobatanidza kuti tisimbise hutare hunovaka nyika. Tidzidze zvaidzorera kumashure kuti tienderere mberi, zvinokutrudzira budiriro kuti nyika yedu iwane mbiri muzvinokudzwa.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Zvirevo ZvaVaShumba

VaShumba vaizonda munhu akangwarira paduri sehuku. Vaigaroti “Munhu ngaadzikame pane vanhu.” Munhu ngaaratidze chimiro chakanaka kwete kuita kamuchacha huku yekamuteteriende. Mukusaziva kwepwere taiti VaShumba vanodakadza, izvo vaireva. Kana miromo yevakuru isingawiri pasi, waVaShumba waive pfumo mumaoko ejinda guru risingapotsi.
Zvinonzi afamba apota, tikati tapota nayo nyika. Topesana navo vakabva ngarande, veJoni, matariyana, vekumakwenga nevanobva muchando, asi mukufamba zvinonzi usakanganwe pakawira rukuvhute. Chatisingakanganwe zvidzidzo zvatakapiwa tichisiya matendere.

Maruva enyika haaperi, anodakadza kwekanguvana asi mukuguma kwazvo, maruva ane mazuva akatarwa, anosvava, anopeperedzwa nemhepo, nekufamba kwenguva ndangariro dzehuvepo hwawo hapana anotondera. Mwana weZimbabwe usakanganwe nyika nekukura kwayo haungaidyi ukaipedza.
Ngatifare asi toziva kuti tikati fare fare toti tindike nokuti tungoma kana tworirisa, twave pedyo nekubvaruka. Ngatisakanganwe kuti mwana musikana ane hunhu anowakikwawo neane hunhu. Torangarirawo kuti, kuti uwane mudzimai anoverengwawo pane vamwe, ivawo murume pane vamwe mumaitiro, matauriro nemafambiro.

Mwana weZimbabwe ziva kuti fundo, idenhe reruzivo, dende rizere nehupenyu uye kushaiwa zivo kuparara kwemunhu. Torangarirazve kuti zivo isina uchenjeri, ichefu mumaoko meanoda kuzviuraya. 
Mwana weZimbabwe usakanganwe vakuru vanokwaziswa, hazvinei vatorwa. Munhu haadadirwe, vamwe vakatsenga mvura ikabuda masese vasingazive kuti ndokutorasa akatakura korona heumambo.
Pawasvika, siya wazunza huruva yezivo nemadonhwe erunyararo. Ratidza chimiro chemunhu akabva kuvanhu, kwete kuita kamuchacha, huku yekamuteteriende.

The Ancestor

My grandfather was a proud man who never compromised when it came to his culture and values. Many knew him as Ashumba, the Lion, a name that was passed on from ancestor to ancestor. Ashumba, the man who did everything with fierce passion except for one thing, show love. He believed that showing affection makes a sloppy job of raising children. So when we visited him over the school holidays we worked because to him we were extra hands on deck! There was no difference between the seasonal farm workers who toiled in the fields for a daily wage and his offspring who stood to inherit the fruits of all his “blood sweat and tears”. We all had to work! Like any young people would feel, to us, this was torture, abuse, exploitation…child labour!  But every school holiday we were shipped off to live in his household.
After long gruelling days helping around the farm, we would spend the evenings of walking around on eggshells lest we were summoned to perform some needless duty for “loitering”. No offspring of his was to ever be seen as good for nothing! He  insulted the laziness out of us – an exorcist of laziness, some would call him.
When I look back at those years, I am thankful for the lessons we learnt under his care that have helped us endure the best and the worst of times with reasonably level heads.
As his children and grandchildren grew older, one could say he softened up a bit.
He loved sitting in the living room after supper staring at the blank television screen. There almost seemed to be sacredness to those few hours between supper and bedtime when he just sat there in silence. Too afraid to ask or interrupt his peace and quiet, we let him be until one day I was brave enough to go and sit with him. For a long moment, nothing was said, we just sat there and I understood it was probably a place of contemplation. As timid a teen as I was by then, I summoned the courage to ask him, “Where did you come from grandpa?” The look on his face seemed to be that of being overwhelmed, perhaps relief. Almost like, “I am glad someone cares enough to ask.” We must have sat for hours as he narrated how his father died when he was just 2 years old and his mother left him in the care of an uncle as she went off to remarry. Raised under a heavy hand, mostly fending for himself, all he knew was hard work. When other children may have been going through potty training, he was already fighting for his own survival. The calluses on his hands seemed to be a reflection of the stone wall that had formed around his heart, numbing the ability to feel any kind of emotion. Above his own personal battle, witnessing the war that raged in the 60′s and 70′s didn’t help either. Emotionless as always, he expressed neither anger nor gratitude for the hand life had dealt him.
Oftentimes I had wondered why he was so hard and somewhat cold but only after that day did I realize it emanated from his view of authority and his image of who God was – shaped by his upbringing. He never doubted the existence of God but strongly that believed the gateway to God was through his ancestors. Ancestors who had left him as a defenceless tot. His logic was that God was far too unattainable for mere mortals like you and me to approach. God lived so far away that only those long gone had the ability or time to travel there and plead on our behalf and in turn the living had to appease them by making animal sacrifices. Due to the ancestors’ long trips to God, they would apparently be thirsty therefore  they required a special brew made and offered as a form of worship.
God was a wrathful being who was quick to administer discipline without much debate and wasted no time listening to your side of the story. Grandfather spared no rod, whip or cane. As you can guess, I was the recipient of a few lashings in my time. Mostly because I was too undiscerning to notice when he was angry and too slow to move when the others had long scurried off.
Despite unknowingly inheriting the legacy of my grandfather’s “rough childhood”, the desire to find healing was the doorway to pursue truth and purpose. 
Surely dead people couldn’t do a better job of communicating with God than the living, my young mind would silently reason. Moreover, if they apparently consumed intoxicating drink how was I to be assured they would get the message to God and not fall into a ditch somewhere along the way? 
Strangers to the present generations and oblivious to my daily struggles and victories how could I explain my bandwidth problems and inability to secure an android device to an ancestor forever incapacitated by time?